Thursday, December 17, 2009

Returning Home

From the top floor of a parking Garage,
The tops of Tall buildings seem no
Longer like a mirage

I see a church with a statue about the doorway
My curiosity is caught
I usually do not find time to pray
But I go there

The arches of the ceiling are grand
Every window holds stained glass
I feel like this could not have been planned
From their places on the pillars, faces of angels
Watch me pass

I know so little of what goes on here
But the greatness of the building has made
Me lose my fear

I light four candles for one I
Have lost
Warm serenity moves in
Shooing away the frost.


  1. This is probably my favourite of the poems on your blog so far. You do a good job at painting a picture for the reader. I particularly like the 4th paragraph

  2. Erica this is beautiful - it makes you feel like you are right there along side of you.
