Thursday, December 31, 2009


Cool, soft wind catches you
As you are about to fall,
I watch in distress as
The wind holds only you up,
not your ideals or hopes or dreams,
those fall down a deep pit where they may never be
reached again.
I wonder if I had held you,
Instead of giving you so much, only yourself,
to hold,
I wonder if I had held you, would your Ideals, hopes and Dreams still be here?
Even though I wasn't there then,
when all of this started,
The shutting down, the pushing away,
I am here now and will
do whatever it takes to get what you have lost back.
I will help you
Get those things back so that
both you and I can grow and flourish
and never have to look back with regret.
I love you.


  1. I like it. It sort of reminds me of one I recently wrote but yours is more something. I'm not sure the word. I was going to go with visual but that isn't the right word. It has a good flow to it.

  2. I like it too Erica. It is interesting and keeps you reading - yes I guess it is the flow of it.
